Treasure Coast Image Awards

The Florida Public Relations Association’s (FPRA) Image Awards competition is the precursor to FPRA’s Golden Image Awards. Conducted annually, the Image Awards competition provides PR practitioners an excellent platform to be recognized in their home markets for their outstanding public relations tools and programs.

The Image Awards also works to give entrants insights for entering their work, if they choose, into FPRA’s statewide competition: the Golden Image Awards. The Golden Image Awards have become a standard of public relations excellence in Florida. The Image Awards competition mirrors the Golden Image Awards, but is held on a local level, as opposed to statewide. Both these award competitions include four divisions: Public Relations Programs, Printed Tools of Public Relations, Digital Tools of Public Relations and Student Projects in Public Relations. Within these divisions are multiple categories.

To qualify for judging, an entry must incorporate sound public relations research and planning. Entries also must meet the highest standard of production, execution and evaluation of results and budget.

2023 Image Award Entry Details:

To enter the 2023 FPRA Treasure Coast Chapter Image Awards, review the rules and guidelines in the Call For Entries below. Entries must be submitted on by Monday, March 6 by 11:59 p.m.

Awards will be presented during PR Prochella on April 20, 2023, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Port St. Lucie Botanical Gardens – 2410 SE Westmoreland Blvd., Port St. Lucie, FL 34952. Winners will be notified in advance so they can plan their attendance.

Categories & Cost to Enter: 


Public Relations Program

A public relations program is defined as a broad-based communications endeavor using two or more public relations tools.

The cost to enter is $45 for members and $65 for non-members.

Categories include:

1A. Community Relations – Any program that improves the organization’s image in the community through support of charitable or service activities. The program can be limited to specific segments of the community and usually is aimed at improving specific aspects of community life. Basically, this includes community “good neighbor” or community betterment programs.
2A. Public Service – Any program developed to inform about issues of public concern. These programs often deal with larger issues that require public knowledge and action. Public service programs usually are aimed at educating the public and solving public problems.
3A. Institutional – Any program that creates a public image for the organization. Typically designed to generate support for and awareness of the organization’s mission, values, programs, plans or activities.
4A. Public Information – Any program developed solely to inform or influence target audiences through use of the news media. This could include news conferences, special tours or informational programs.
5A. Crisis Communication – Any program developed and/or implemented to handle a disaster or emergency. These programs outline potential effects of the problem, as well as the plans, materials and budgets allocated to develop and implement the program and evaluate its effectiveness.
6A. Internal – Any program developed to communicate with internal publics such as employees, shareholders, association members, etc.
7A. Promotional/Marketing – Any program developed to promote, publicize, introduce or create an identity for a specific product, service or idea. These programs are generally developed within a marketing framework and often include a purchase or user acceptance of a specific product or service among their objectives.
8A. Public Affairs – Any program directed toward government action or activities such as legislative activities, political campaigns, government affairs or relations with public bodies or regulatory agencies. In the broadest sense, this category includes everything meant by “lobbying” plus direct political activities.
9A. Integrated Marketing – Any program incorporating public relations strategies and tactics as part of an integrated campaign and demonstrating effective integration with other marketing/communication disciplines.
10A. Reputation Management – Any program or strategy developed to enhance or improve the reputation of an organization with its publics, either proactively or in response to an issue or event.
11A. Special Event – Any in-person event developed to commemorate a special occurrence, conference, observance, educational opportunity or one-time activity. These could include anniversary celebrations, open houses, dedications, awards ceremonies, parties or receptions.
12.A. Virtual Special Event – Any event developed to commemorate a special occurrence, conference, observance, educational opportunity or one-time activity that took place virtually. This event must have been shared using online video broadcasting, which is the distribution of video and/or audio content to an audience over the web or via live streaming.
13A. Other – Any broad-based public relations program using two or more public relations tools that is not included in the above-listed categories.

Collateral of Public Relations

Public relations collateral is any material, printed or digital, used for a public relations purpose, either standing alone or as part of a public relations program. It includes written and electronic material and specialty items. In the case of regularly produced printed, or digitally printed materials, such as newsletters or magazines, one to three issues should be included in the support material.

The cost to enter is $45 for members and $65 for non-members.

Categories include:

1B. Annual Report – Printed or electronic internal and external reports.
2B. Brochure – Any printed folded or bound publication or digital PDF or flip-book publication produced for a single specific purpose.
3B. Magazine – Any periodical or regular publication, which may include articles of one page in length or longer. Publication is usually 16 or more pages in length and includes articles that are more in-depth than a newsletter.
4B. Newsletter – Any printed or digital report that is produced, published and distributed on a regular basis by a business, institution, or other organization and that presents information and news to people with a specific interest in the organization or subject.
5B. News Release or Pitch – Any document, prepared statement or email communication released to the media as a news item, article or feature story on behalf of a sponsoring person or organization.
6B. Specialty Item – Any gift, premium, novelty or physical token used to convey an impression, make a point, establish an image or achieve a public relations objective. Examples include calendars, posters, promotional items and other novelties.
7B. Other – Any printed or digital public relations tool that does not fit into the above listed categories or Division C categories. Examples include postcards, rack cards and invitations.

Digital Tools of Public Relations

This division includes any online, audio or audio/visual presentation or program that serves a public relations objective. Audio, video or electronic presentations should be submitted with a copy of the script or storyboard, if available.

The cost to enter is $45 for members and $65 for non-members.

Categories include:

1C. Online Audience Engagement – The process of encouraging people to be interested or actively involved in your organization’s content. Examples include using blogging or microblogging, podcasts, crowdsourcing, influencer campaigns or similar mechanisms.
2C. Digital Promotion – Edited, finished-product display tools such as: online media kits, email marketing, e-promotions, PSAs, ad placement/sponsored ads, boosted posts, digital marketing and paid content.
3C. Social Media – Any program or portion of a campaign developed for one or more social media channels, including Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Twitter, Tik Tok, etc.
4C. Video – Internal – Any video that presents information to an organization’s internal audience. Examples include orientation programs, meeting openers, news shows, company updates, training, webinars, etc.
5C. Video – External – Any video that presents information to an organization’s external stakeholders with an intent to promote, publicize, introduce or create an identity for a specific product, service or idea. These tools generally are developed within a marketing framework and often include a purchase or user acceptance of a specific product or service among their objectives.
6C. Video – Public Service – Any video presented to inform or educate an organization’s external audiences on an issue of public concern.
7C. Video – Institutional – Any video used to support the public image of an organization. This tool typically is designed to generate awareness and support of the organization’s mission, values, programs, plans or activities.
8C. Website – Any external or internal website created to achieve a public relations objective.
9C. Other – Any digital, online, audio, audio/visual or electronic tool that is not included in the above listed categories such as a video news release, presentation, app, landing page, etc.

Student Project in Public Relations

This division is restricted to entries submitted by full- or part-time students enrolled at accredited Florida universities or colleges. Student projects in public relations include printed or digital materials and campaigns created for public relations purposes, whether assigned for a course or completed outside the classroom. A photocopy of the entrant’s valid student ID must be attached to the entry from.

The cost to enter is $20 for members and $25 for non-members.

Categories include:

1D. News Release or Pitch – Any document, prepared statement or email communication released to the media as a news item, article or feature story on behalf of a sponsoring person or organization.
2D. Public Service Announcement – Any video or audio spot one minute or less in length that is designed to inform or educate an organization’s external audiences on an issue or event. Script must be included.
3D. Public Relations Campaign – Any broad-based communications endeavor that uses two or more public relations tools. Campaigns can improve or create an organization’s image, inform the public on issues of concern, handle disaster situations or communicate with internal audiences.
4D. Digital Communication – Any audio, video or other electronic tool used to achieve a public relations objective. Can include e-mail, video, website, presentation, etc.
5D. Social Media – Any program or portion of a campaign developed for one or more social media channels, including Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Twitter, Tik Tok, etc.
6D. Special Event – Any event developed to commemorate an occasion either in-person or virtually. Special event examples include observances or one-time activities, such as anniversary celebrations, open houses, dedications, awards ceremonies, parties or receptions. Must be held live or live-streamed.

Four resources to help you win BIG at the Image Awards:

Image Entry Brainstorming Guide – Looking to enter the Image Awards, but don’t know where to start? This is a great first step to help you get your thoughts organized.

Image Research Examples – You don’t have to have a huge research budget to win big at the Image Awards. This guide explains the different types of research you can use in your entry.

Image Entry Examples – Want to see what it takes to win big at the Image Awards? This guide provides examples from past winning entries for each section of the Two-Page Summary. Use this guide to de-mystify the process and get your submission done.

Image Awards Submission Tutorial – You’re ready to submit – Now what? This tutorial will walk you through how to submit your entry online.