
FPRA’s Counselors’ Network offers an unmatched association with not only the most experienced and well respected practitioners in the state, but also offers unprecedented access to the “who’s who” of our profession. Speakers have included Edward Bernays, Harold Burson, as well as numerous CEOs from Ketchum, Tylenol and Fortune 500 companies.
Along with the networking opportunities, CN offers one-on-one collaboration, two professional development retreat opportunities each year, one at the FPRA Annual Conference and a mid-year meeting, and provides a forum for senior members to give back to younger members through mentoring and the FPRA speakers’ bureau.


CN membership is open to any Universally Accredited member in good standing of FPRA who is actively engaged in providing counseling service, either as a full-time principal, officer, partner or employee of a public relations firm, corporation, organization, or agency, and who has been in a counseling capacity for at least three years and has ten years public relations experience.
Beginning in 2010, to be eligible for CN Members will be required to have their CPRC (Certified Public Relations Counselor).
Annual dues are $50. There is a one-time application fee of $20. If you are interested in membership, please click here to download the application from the State association website.