Accreditation in Public Relations (APR) and Certified Public Relations Counselor (CPRC) certification are two proactive, affordable “short-term investment/long-term benefit” opportunities available to FPRA members. For less than the cost of many one-day seminars, Accreditation and Certification offer credentials that can last a lifetime.

The Treasure Coast Chapter  is proud to be part of the Universal Accreditation Board, made up of representative organizations from across the country, which all share a common bond – we all believe in sustaining the future of our industry, of promoting the highest quality practitioners and of supporting our members.

You too can join the ranks of those practitioners who have taken the time to identify their areas of growth and hone their skills by engaging in the Accredited in Public Relations (APR) process. The primary reasons for becoming accredited include career growth, self-improvement and increased knowledge of the field.  Many also pursue it to enhance their status, serve in leadership, increase chance of promotion and much more.  Learn more about how to get your APR and start your journey today!

For more information on Accreditation and Certification, please contact our Accreditation Chair, Jennifer Trefelner, APR, CPRC.

APR Accreditation

Universal Accreditation is a voluntary program that allows you to demonstrate your proficiency in public relations through a standardized written exam following advancement from an oral readiness review. Successful completion of the exam validates a PR professional’s commitment to the field and level of knowledge in public relations practice.
The purpose is to unify and advance the profession by identifying those who have demonstrated broad knowledge, experience and professional judgment in the field. The program seeks to improve public relations practice. The designation APR signifies a high professional level of experience and competence.
FPRA members, along with members of any of the partner organizations, are eligible to sit for the exam. Although five years of paid, full-time experience in the professional practice of public relations, or in the teaching or administration of public relations courses in an accredited college or university is not required, it is strongly recommended.

APR Accreditation Resources

CPRC Certification

The credential of Certified Public Relations Counselor or CPRC is the second tier credential offered by FPRA. The certification process was developed to recognize professional growth and achievement of senior members who have already earned the APR designation. Candidates for CPRC must be a member of FPRA and have a minimum of 10 years of professional practice in public relations.
Preparation for this exam comes from practice – ten or more years worth. It is not required or recommended that individuals spend long periods of time studying for this test. All of the questions on the written exam are case related and require practitioners to draw on their own professional experiences. A review of your professional experiences and some classic public relations case studies as well as preparation of a 30-minute presentation for the oral part of the exam is all that is required.
For the oral portion of the exam, candidates are encouraged to use an actual presentation they have made to an employer, a client or the media. The goal of the 30-minute presentation is to “sell” an idea or a course of action, rather than to demonstrate extemporaneous speaking skills.